Wednesday 7 August 2019

Spirit Dancer

Everything is connected.
It’s all connected in one way or another. It is beautiful.
You are beautiful.
So Dance!! Keep dancing your dance. Find within it new ways to express yourself. Let whatever will be, be, and be here right now. You’ve heard it all before , but have you heard it this way? Have you been here before, dancing with these souls? With this colour, this light? Be you now, here, in this moment. Dance with your spirit, find your kin. Follow ancient pathways, connect with the earth, feel that deep pulsing, the vibration of nature. Dance forth, find your light, follow the lines. The lines of fate set before you when you agreed to come to this dimension. Love freely, open your heart, open your mind. Believe in yourself. Appreciate where you are and what brought you here.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

The Snow Queen and The Nixie of Mill Pond

Be loyal to your memories, learn from your experiences. That's what they're for. Learning from loves lost will bring you more love. Learning helps you to let go. Let go you must if you wish to move forward. Believe in a bright future, built on the foundations of your past. Your memories are not in things, they are in you. Every breath you take is love, love moving through the same body that has shed many tears, but is still breathing, still moving with life's force. Look deeply into your soul and find the light within, full of love, burning strong, burning bright. Follow your intuition always, even when you're told that it's not right. If you know it to be true and correct then follow that light. Give all that you can. Receive all that you're given. Fill it all with love and light and be grateful for where you've been. Be hopeful for where you'll go. Manifest great intentions. Follow the great light's flow. You are you and you are free. Use this freedom. Be it and you'll see.

Monday 8 August 2016

The Master Maker

Make your own destiny, master the art of you. Delight in your idiosyncrasies. Delight in your uniqueness. Delight in your whole being. Love yourself without ego. Know that you can only be you know that only you can be you. And it's only you that can ultimately decide to be happy. It is a choice, you can follow the signs to the high road or ignore them and head down the low road. Cultivate happiness and cultivate awareness and forgiveness. Give your whole being to the bettering of the universe. Love all and serve all.

Saturday 16 July 2016


Honour yourself, honour your heart. Speak your truth. Don't be scared. Look deep inside yourself and the words will flow. The words are there and all you need is courage to express them. You have that courage, you are strong. Your heart is strong, and your heart is beautiful, it deserves to be honoured. The more glory that you give to your heart, the more it will give back to you. Feel your heart and honour its strength. It's all there for you, waiting to transform, don't hold yourself back!
Give your love fully to the whole. Know that there is infinite love in this world, plenty to go around. Don't hold yourself back for fear, for false assumptions. Go with what is now, what is real. Honour that. Know that speaking your truth is part of your journey. Trust yourself, believe in yourself. Trust i magic and believe that its all connected and things have a wonderful way of working themselves out for the betterment of the whole.Know this, trust this. Be grateful for this, knowing that gratitude brings with it more grace, more love. But don't let that be the reason for your gratitude. Be grateful for you truly are.
For the wonderful things that life brings when you're truly walking your path.
With integrity.
With grace.

Sunday 10 July 2016

The Raver

Go forth like a beaming ball of light. Go into the world head first. Full of truth and purpose. Love the journey and take it on. Take on every challenge, every fear. Take on life. Move forward, boldly, but move softly. Have an impact but don't make it harsh. Love this journey, love your life.
Be grateful and be light.
Light is love, love is life.
Make connections.
Be light.
Be life.

Monday 27 June 2016

Infinite as love is

You are learning. You are growing, you are infinite as love is. Listen close to the universe, he of the fiery sword speaks in low tones. Slow and patient. Waiting for you to listen. Listen too, for the high tones of the light, the vibration. Speak your voice and add your own tone, your own vibration. You have much to learn but much love to spread. Don't be afraid of darkness. Don't exclude it. Listen to it so you can learn the lesson it has to teach, then move on, lighter, free. Connect and glow, learn and grow. Know your worth, radiate light. Dance with the sound. The rhythm of the earth. Fly, be free. Feel love with an open heart. Give. Receive. Have gratitude for both. Feel, really feel, and speak your truth always. Sing. Shout. Laugh. Groan. Groan with joy.
Dance, speak light, speak out.

Monday 20 June 2016


Ecstasy. Brilliance. The next step of your journey is to be ecstasy. You don't even need to ask. You just need to listen and be present. Be patient and notice. Notice the magic in each step. The treasures in every moment. Be thankful and feel honoured. Honoured to receive the blessings gifted to you. Love and release all things that don't serve. Listen to your heart and allow the ecstasy to be. Stop asking questions about who to be. Just realise that you're free. Free to be. What lays in front of you is nothing but opportunities. Let freedom decide and blow with the winds of the divine order. Divine light that shines for you. Divine light that shines with you. Divine light that shines from the centre of your being. Wings that are growing everyday. Wings of light and the reunion with your true self.

Thursday 2 June 2016

The Master Maker, The Faun and the Singer of initiation

It's all part of the process, it's all beauty taking different forms. Good things will happen if you take risks and have adventures. You have much to learn, always. Each step is important. Remember to know that you are blessed with constant golden opportunities. Opportunities to take chances, and share joy in beautiful spaces. Profound joy is yours to share. Forget about ego, forget about limitation. Remember love, remember Unity. Always remember to be grateful for the gifts that you are blessed with.

Saturday 28 May 2016

Ffaff the Footer and friends

This world is full of distractions. You win when you choose the distractions that make your heart sing. Give up those that don't. You have an opportunity to affect real social change. But it's not going to be based in ego. There is movement below the surface, ready to help you. Give your all to the good things and all of the good things will come to you. Trust in the journey, trust in the process. Forget about manifestations of comparisons. Believe in manifesting a most positive and wonderful, a brilliant you that is beyond compare. Don't waste your time, it's that simple and that difficult all at once. The universe wants you to succeed, so just don't stand in your own way and allow that magic to unfold. Stand strong, be brave. It's all yours to be had, know that each step is important, just don't stand still in anticipation. Take those steps and move forward to a magically divine future.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

The Lady of Sorrows

Don't get caught looking over your shoulder. Don't worry about who is watching you, and certainly don't get caught up in keeping a watch on others. Just live, live this moment. Live your life in love, not in jealousy, fear or comparison. Don't wear a shroud of sorrow or a shield of hurt and shadow. Shield yourself, but shield yourself with light. Let love in, open your heart. Don't let your past hurts control your future. You are important and you are worthy. Lift your head up and look straight ahead, Breathe deeply and be glad to be where you are right now.

Thursday 12 May 2016


Light and love, that's all you really need to know in any given moment. Just remember to be present and treat every situation, every opportunity and every challenge with light and love. Do the best you can at all times and you'll have nothing to fear, nothing to regret. Don't regret the past, move on, let go. Learn your lessons and move forward fearlessly. You have so much to offer the world, it would be a shame to see any of that darkened by ego. Love and light, love your life, don't regret, don't fear, time is now, you are here. Make the most of what you have, and if it sounds familiar, that's because it is. You need to hear it again, never forget. Never forget grace and gratitude, light and love. No offence or defense, just treating things with love. My deepest thanks and yours too. Opportunities are given and lives are lost, this is sad, but it is part of the divine plan. Unfairness, that's a lesson too. We all have things to learn. We are all playing out part in the universal whole and Unity really is a beautiful thing.